Aglow International


Resources and Encouragement for Aglow State Prayer Coordinators

Resources and Encouragement for U.S. State Prayer Coordinators

Each link at the top of this page will take you to Strategy, Teaching, Activation, Resources and Social/Prayer Gathering information especially designed for SPCs. As an SPC, you will want to explore this page frequently for new content and handy tools.

Call to Action – Stay Current!

As an SPC it is important to stay current with the heart of Aglow International:

  • What has God placed on the heart of our President and CEO, Jane Hansen Hoyt?
  • What is God doing through Aglow throughout the world?
  • What insight in prayer are in the heart of our Prayer Director, Nancy McDaniel?
  • How do SPCs connect in prayer and relationship across the nation?

SPC Resources

Resources are constantly growing and changing according to our Kingdom assignments in prayer. Check each page frequently for updates.


What a privilege it is to serve my state and my Lord by being a State Prayer Coordinator.  The Presence of the Lord was certainly with us as we gathered together to pray during the Aglow Conference in powerful intercession.  Knowing that when we pray together the Lord is in our midst and He hears us and responds because of our continued efforts to hear His voice and follow His will makes it all worthwhile.

Debby – Indiana SPC

I took this position feeling very inadequate. But being an SPC has been the most exciting thing I have ever been a part of. The group is wonderful; I have felt totally accepted, and I have loved everything we have done together. I have truly been blessed and challenged, and the upgrade in my relationship with Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit has been awesome.

Mary – Virginia SPC

Global Prayer

Aglow is a worldwide ministry. As such, we pray for the nations of the world.