SPC Directory, information on Aglow networking and SPC photos.

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SPCs in Action

WA SPCs Joyce and Marilyn

Washington Joyce Dudder

With Karan Reed (Regional Director), Robin Harrison and Marilyn Seeger

FL state rally

Florida     Melody Evans

Florida State Rally

SPCs St Louis

SPCs in St. Louis

Some of the SPCs in the Prayer Room at the St. Louis conference

California Glinda Rocca

Monthly prayer team at the California State Capitol including Men of Issachar

thumbnail_Taking the High Places Mt. Cheaha, Alabama

Alabama Sandra Ritter

Taking the High Places - Mt. Cheaha

VA Zips

Virginia Operation Prayer Zone

Way to go. Mary Royster! Sign up those intercessors!

WV Prayer with Koreans

West Virginia

SPC Cyndi Bernhart and WV Aglow joins Korean intercessors in strategic prayer time as Area Officer Sarah Weaver blow the shofar.

PA 7 Airplane Assignment

Pennsylvania Helen Joy Duperree

7 Airplane Assignment - praying over PA from the air!

Conf - Judy and Ruthie

St. Louis Conference Prayer

Judy Day and Ruthie Gadson - pre-conference prayer journey at St. Louis conference site

SPC Directory

For complete Directory including phone numbers and mailing addresses, contact the Prayer Office.


Nancy McDaniel

Aglow Global Prayer Director

Nancy has served as Global Prayer Director since 1999. Prior to this, she served as California SPC. In addition to her role as an intercessor, she is a mobilizer of people in prayer. She believers every believer has a portion or place as an intercessor and desires to see everyone grow from victory to victory as champions of prayer. She is a strategist who understands that strategies must originate with Holy Spirit and be birthed in the Spirit - not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit. As a leader, she prioritizes encouraging and developing the potential in others. She does not seek to build programs. She seeks to build people,  knowing that people together will carry out the glorious work of the Kingdom. To do this, she seeks to impart the vision of Aglow and the prophetic words and promises to Aglow to intercessors in a meaningful way. She views Aglow prayer worldwide as a Global House of Prayer - a house not made by hands - a house that is built of people worldwide praying together for the fullness of God's Kingdom in every nation.

Nancy loves and honors each SPC individually and uniquely.

  • Email:
  • Aglow headquarters address:         PO Box 1749     Edmonds, WA 98020
  • Home address:  PO Box 277     Strathmore, CA 93267