Prayer strategies are important as Holy Spirit continually shows us Aglow’s portion in praying His Heart, His Timing and His Way. Some strategies are on-going assignments, while others are time-sensitive or seasonal. Here are some strategies that help us to pray as one across our nation.
As Christ has given us Keys to His Kingdom, Keys for Prayer, Keys to unlock Heaven on earth, each state holds a Key to the spiritual destiny of our nation. SPCs have identified these keys based on the identity of each state. Each Key is a powerful declaration for the state and for our nation.
Alabama is a Thicket Clearer which exposes and brings forth Light to our Nation.
Lord, clear the chaos and show your great light in America!
Alaska, an Alpha and Omega state, that will usher in a move of Presence that will influence our nation and change how we see and use resources.
Lord, influence America with Your wisdom over Your resources!
The glory of the Lord is rising over Arizona! Isaiah 60:1
Lord, as Your glory is rising it is spilling out over America!
Lord, You said, “Arkansas Believers will travel the State and the Nation praying for the healing of the land.”
Lord, Your healing is being released over America!
When we speak the Words of God, power is released; Evil is dismantled and Root systems are plucked up and destroyed. Evil in government and education is overthrown as California intercessors are mantled with fresh anointing, with wisdom and revelation setting nations free from the enemy.
Lord, Your Word is being released with wisdom and revelation setting America free from the enemy!
Colorado, your majestic mountains proclaim God's sovereign rule with His thunderous voice flashing lightning; resounding with Revelation, Truth, Justice and LIFE over, in and through every part of Colorado across your borders to the United States of America and beyond to the nations.
Lord, justice and life are being released over America!
Connecticut delares His manifest presence and glory and the release of His Fragrance to permeate Connecticut with the Knowledge of Him and bring forth fullness of Life that the Cross has provieded!
Lord, Your Fragrance is being released throughout America!
DC Washington D.C. is the District of Christ. When Godfrey Birtill visited the chapel in Capitol, he said “Definitely Certain” (DC). We shall see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.”
Lord, Your goodness flows into America from our Nation's Capital!
Delaware – Delmarva
Delmarva is receiving waves of Holy Spirit's harvesters bringing healing and restoration to even the dregs of society in Delmarva and then spreading across the nation.
Lord, Your harvesters are bringing restoration and healing to America!
Florida is a Forerunner state serving as a launchpad to ignite and propel the work of the Kingdom of God.
Lord, the Kingdom of God is being launched into America!
The voice of the Lord thunders in the governmental gate of Georgia to bring His order and Glory to our state and nation!
Lord, Your thunderous voice is briinging order and glory into America!
Hawaii is a Pentecost State releasing ALOHA which is God's unconditional love to the nations to Sound, Surge and Soar into their Identities.
Lord, the sound and surge of Your Love is released into America!
Idaho is shaped like a KEY. It has been prophesied that Idaho will unlock mysteries and uncover spiritual and natural treasures used to affect this nation for Christ. With its key-shape, Idaho will also lock false religions, pride and idolatry. Idaho locks into place with the United States as ONE people under God in unity with the Ecclesia, the Bride, to change the atmosphere.
Lord, the unlocking of treasures will ignite unity throughout America!
Illinois is the Apostolic State of this Nation. God is turning her mourning into dancing, and she will love God again.
Lord, Your joy is released throughout American that will bring an abundant love for God!
We decree that Indiana, as the “Crossroads of America”, would stand at the Cross of Christ and seek the righteousness of God according to Mathew 5:6, causing us to burn with a passion for Christ and Him alone!
Lord, a passion for Christ is being released throughout America!
We declare an end of violence to the unborn. We instead speak wholeness and life.
Lord, wholeness and life are being loosed into the atmosphere of America!
Rivers of Living Water have been flowing out of Kansas for over a century, producing Kingdom Power and watering Trees of Life.
Lord, Your living waters are surging throughout America!
Kentucky is anointed with a unique mix of Wisdom and Revelation, resulting in a synergy of statewide networking which invites the Presence of God and releases great authority to advance the Kingdom of God.
Lord, Your wisdom and revelation ignite great authority to advance Your Kingdom!
Lord we decree, that You called Louisiana to “Come Forth!” from the grave. She has been unveiled with Your Radiant Glory Bursting forth, walking in Resurrection Power! Isaiah 60:1-4 TPT Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your Light has dawned, and Yahweh’s Glory now streams from you!!.....
Lord, Your resurrection power burst forth throughout America!
Our State Motto is "Dirigo...I lead/I direct" as we are most Eastern Gate in our nation, we declare "Maine, lift up your gates, be lifted up you everlasting doors and we welcome the KING OF GLORY to come in. The sun touches touches this state first, it is a womb of the morning...the birthing of a new day. We declare and decree a breaker anointing to spring forth from the womb of the nation giving birth to new life. We declare chains broken to mindsets of resistance. We call forth newness of life! We declare there is an awakening in the youth and generations. We will be united together, with authority and the power of God coming out of Maine setting her ablaze, proclaiming and advancing the Kingdom of God!
Lord, You are the BREAKER that is released throughout our Nation which ignites Your Kingdom on Earth!
Maryland is the Reversal state. God said that what He stirs in this state will cause the entire nation to be stirred.
Lord, what You reverse will stir America for Your Kingdom!
We as Massachusetts people, formed out of godly revolution, go onward in courage standing up and fighting for righteous liberty and justice for all.
Lord, Your righteous revolution brings forth courage to stand for liberty and justice in America!
Habakkuk 2:14 "For the earth (MI) will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord ( Jesus) , as the waters covers the sea(MI)." This is our assignment to proclaim and act upon as we take our feet to each territory.
Lord, Your glory will cover America as the waters cover the sea!
Minnesota is the "North Star State," Aglow with the Light and Love of Jesus! She holds the Headwaters of the Mighty Mississippi River also known as "The River of the Holy Spirit," which runs down through the USA. She has been given the label of the "Threshing Floor State," a place of Separation of the chaff and the wheat and Revelation, Deliverance, and Healing! Mathew 3:12/Isaiah 41:15
Lord, let Your Anointing burst forth with Fire, Harvesting the Nations and setting those captive FREE!
We declare that Mississippi, the Rudder State, will become the first abortion free state in the nation, choosing LIFE over death!
Lord, Your everlasting life comes forth to America banning abortion!
We decree America will experience a Spirit of PRAYER leading to an AWAKENING in our families, Aglow and the uttermost parts of the earth. We call forth Aglow leaders who are called of God to serve and leader in a responsible manner as unto the Lord.
Lord, prayer will lead "an" Awakening to call Aglow Leaders to come forth throughout America!
The breaker annointing and governmental authority of the "Treasure State" of Montana, gives birth to the rising river of God's Spirit and grace which flows to the nation.
Lord, Your treasure of governmental authority creates a rising river to overflow with amazing grace throughout America!
We declare that Nebraska would not waver on its stance based on Biblical principles and conservative values, including pro-life issues and firmly supporting the constitution.
Lord, an unwavering people will come forth throughout America!
Lord, You said that Nevada is the transformation state. Instead of bitterness, healing will spring forth in this desert land with resurrection life, salvation and miracles. Violence shall no longer be heard in Your land, neither wasting nor destruction within Your borders. But, You shall call Your walls Salvation, and Your gates Praise. Isaiah 60:18
Lord, thank You for setting captives free and bringing healing, resurrection life, peace, freedom, salvation and miracles thoughout America!
New Hampshire
As the geographical center of New England, New Hampshire will live free or die; our bedrock remains God's truth and righteousness.
Lord, there is a release of freeedom flowing into America!
New Jersey
New Jersey is the redeemed Garden of Eden where the Bride walks intimately with the Lord.
Lord, Your intimacy for Your Bride flows through America!
New Mexico
Lord, that New Mexico would not be the Land of Enchantment anymore, but the Land of Revelation, a land of integrity, righteousness and justice where babies are welcomed, not aborted or abused, a state where life is celebrated as a gift from You, where truth and justice are held in high value -- and the Name of Jesus is honored and lifted up, where His Word is held in honor. We call in revival into New Mexico.
Lord, Your revelation flows freely throughout America as we lift up the Name of Jesus!
New York
New York is the Excelsior state contending to move ever upward in the power and the freedom of the Holy Spirit to move mountains to bring forth liberty and justice, one state under God.
Lord, Your power and freedom will move mountains to bring forth liberty and justice!
North Carolina
Lord, we decree and declare that the State of North Carolina walks in governmental authority, conquering every foe that rises against us through the power of Jesus Christ!
Lord, Your governmental authority will conquer every foe that arises in America!
We are the Lord's lightning rods, Lighthouses, positioned throughout Ohio to establish and radiate His glory in the earth.
Lord, Your Lightning rods and Lighthouses will radiate Your glory in America!
Jesus is Lord over Oklahoma! We are a Prosperous Leader, and the “Head and not the tail, we are above and not beneath.” Deut. 28:14
Lord, Your prosperity will lead throughout America!
“Oregon in you the voice of the Lord echoes through the skies and the seas, reigning as He thunders in the clouds over the great waters and the people, the Key to all who will call on Him.” Psalm 29: 3&4 TPT
Lord, Your voice thunders across America to proclaim Salvation to all!
Pennsylvania, from your womb flows independence and liberty to the nation; therefore all laws not in alignment with these freedoms must fall! Pennsylvania, you are the capstone, you hold things together; therefore we declare our nation will be held together and our foundational stakes will stand!
Lord, from Your womb there is a release of independence and liberty throughout America!
Rhode Island
Rhode Islanders in unity, lend their voices, time, gifts/talents and resources to just and righteous causes. These voices together are birthing a sustained Godly shift in Jesus Name!
Lord, You ignite unity through Godly voices bringing a Godly shift throughout America!
South Carolina
We declare South Carolina is a forerunner in Kingdom advancement--a place of REFUGE, REFRESHING, and RESTORATION where JESUS is KING and PRIEST.
Lord, Your refreshing and restoration brings forth a place of refuge in America!
South Dakota
I declare that in South Dakota “Under God the People Rule” in alignment with the His purpose for our State and Nation.
Lord, Your people rule in alignment for Your purpose in America!
Tennessee is a state after God's own Heart.
Lord, the music of Your heart brings forth volunteers, governmental authority, houses of prayer and places of refuge rising up throughout America!
As a prophetic State, Texas demonstrates the Word of God, the Light of God, and the character of God throughout our nation.
Lord, Your Word, Your Light and Your Character resonate throughout America!
Truth Prevails, Salvation and Rejoicing is rising throughout Utah!
Lord, Your truth prevails as salvation and rejoicing spring forth through America!
Virginia, the Covenant State, is returning to her roots of Covenant with Almighty God and becoming all He destined her to be from the beginning.
Lord, the root of Your covenant promise is released throughout America!
Washinton State is a gateway to establish and restore God's Kingdom in our state and nation; because we are strategically significant and have air supremacy bringing down giants of unbelief, deception and control!
Lord, Air Supremacy is launched throughout America with Jesus as our Captain!
West Virginia
Let Your Kingdom advance through Aglow and be established in West Virginia through prayer, preaching the gospel, through powerful encounters, deliverance, and victories confirmed by signs wonders and miracles. Matthew 4:23-25
Lord, Your Kingdom is advancing with prayer, preaching, powerful encounters and victories confirmed by signs and wonders throughout America!
We are the River State, flowing FORWARD with Living Waters released into the Nation.
Lord, we declare Your promises, we thank You for Living Waters bringing healing to America!
W orship
Y eshua
Equal Rights State - 44th State - Forty-Four means 'Persons Chosen' and a number for safety and protection from evil, and often associated with the Angels of God.
Wyoming has a strong voice in the Spirit; our prayers and decrees carry the weight of refuge, healing and blessings. Wyoming has as much a voice as any place in the nation.